Welcome to AUM SARL
Experts in West French African Businesses & Partnership Opportunities.

Benin is a Business Gateway of French West Africa
Business Assistance in Benin, Togo & French West Africa
Right sales pitch connects people with your product creating loyal customers.
Digital business
Digitise your business to make it user-friendly and globally accessible
Customer Relationship
Effective communication, fast resolution of complaints builds strong bonds with customers
Supply Chain Management
Enhanced visibility will reduce cost, increase quality and optimise the Supply Chain
Export & import
Expand your market base with export-import business
Real estate
Right Investment in real estate and property management generates automated revenue
French West Africa is the Land of Business Opportunites
Hyper Growth Partner for Strategic Assistance in Benin & Togo,French West Africa Region
Dynamic business operation procedure streamlines all the processes and department efficiently
Public Relations
Communicating effectively with stakeholders regularly helps in conveying the right message
Quality medical services help in improving business and quality of life
Social Media
The age of quick response and connections makes you visible & popular