
貝寧和多哥已成為運往西非國家的貨物的主要中轉站。貝寧的轉口貿易包括從世界各地進口商品,然後將其出口到鄰國,尤其是尼日利亞。貝寧作為西非地區配送中心的地位可以追溯到 60 年代末,當時從全球市場進口的貨物通過貝寧運往尼日利亞
Aum Sarl 通過定期的面對面接觸與地區政府機構和企業建立了牢固的工作關係,以促進支持和鼓勵參與,以幫助企業家和小企業主駕馭建立當地企業的複雜流程。
AUM Consultancy 為廣泛的行業提供諮詢服務,並在多個垂直領域提供專家服務。我們渴望並啟髮指導解決方案,為我們的合作夥伴促進商業、貿易和投資。

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At the core of a successful business lies a bold strategy. We at AUM consultancy services envision that impact-making strategy for your business. Our AUM experts explore West Africa & Global business opportunities, provides deep industry insights, specialized services, and tailored business needs to make your business emerge stronger

In a world with immense opportunities to tap on, businesses new appropriate marketing activities to set up the stage for a smooth market entry. AUM consultancy we design and develop marketing campaigns for different business environments. We ensure the aims of Market Profiling, Brand Awareness, Product Launch, Market Expansion, and alike are taken care of by our Creative Thinking, Collaborative Energy and Flexibility Approach.

Evolving marketplaces need dynamic sales improvement solutions that can sustain in the cut-throat competition. Today businesses need to adopt business models that are centered around enhanced customer experience to boost sales. AUM consultancy delivers a sales strategy to accelerate revenue growth. We analyse sales metrics, data analytics, personalisation to track sales success and transform your business sales pitch for that comparative advantage.

Francophone Africa is a whole new world of business opportunities and untapped market, the earlier you reach, the bigger would be the opportunity. Benin & Togo plays an important role in sub-regional trade thanks in particular to the Port of Cotonou which makes. The combined untapped market size of Benin & Togo is USD 8 Billion Dollar. Benin a transit country for the transport of goods to and from Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Chad, and Nigeria. Benin leverages its port as a platform to reach over 100 million consumers in neighboring landlocked countries such as Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Chad, and 155 million in Nigeria. With AUM your business can scale and grow in the unsaturated Benin & Togo as ReExport HubTransit market. .

The modern world is a digital playground; to rank high and flourish businesses need to fine-tune the digital skills. We design and implement advance digital assistance to meet the specific needs of your business like designing automated system software, mobile applications, and back-end data management systems.

French Speaking Africa is a whole new world of business opportunities and untapped market, the earlier you reach, the bigger would be the opportunity. With AUM your business can scale and grow in the unsaturated West-African market. West Africa is brimming with business opportunities. The French-speaking West African countries are now land of new business opportunities; countries like Benin, Togo, and other countries are opening new business opportunities with their growing economy, ease of doing business, and an open-door policy for foreign investment. The formation of various clubs like the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Free Trade Agreement has made a favourable ground for investments to come, business to settle and the economy to flourish.

Using the expertise of global sourcing and procurement agencies can help your business in many ways, firstly they offer multiple options to choose from; this especially is beneficial for new setups, however, it is also advantageous for old firms as they get to expand the business and tap new markets. Secondly, sourcing and procurement agencies consistently study global market conditions and provide the best suggestions to their clients on deciding the right market. Thirdly, they negotiate the pricing terms and try to strike the best deal for their clients. Fourthly sourcing and procurement agencies also handle the supply chain to ensure the consignment reaches the client right on time. There are several benefits which a business can accrue if they hire sourcing and procuring agency. .

Businesses today revolve around customer satisfaction & experience. Customer relationship management aims at engaging and extracting insights from customers about the product & services. We facilitate business communication with clients and customers on behalf of our partners. AUM also provides tech solutions for CRM needs.

Consistent training of employees is a prerequisite in today’s fast-evolving space. AUM arranges for top-the-chart training in a wide range of domains. We collaborate with the best national and international guides who can provide Corporate Training, Leadership Sessions, and Marketing & Sales training. Our clients can also choose from a broad series of courses of interpersonal skills, communication skills, and foreign languages, etc. for their employees for the judicious use of in-hand resources.

AUM Consultancy coordinates and collaborates with primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare service providers to deliver at your doorsteps. We fix doctor’s appointments both online and offline to deliver medical facilities right on time. We arrange for all types of emergency medical deliverables for our clients.
Right Investment in real estate and property management generates automated revenue. AUM real estate consultancy provides the best real estate investment advice for investing in West African counties like Benin, Togo, etc. AUM Consultancy conducts in-depth research and provides data that helps their clients such as Real Estate Investors, Construction companies and builders, Hotel Operators, Banking Institutions, Landlords, and others in making the right real estate investment in West Africa.

Enhanced visibility will reduce cost, increase quality and optimise the Supply Chain. AUM consultancy assists you in sourcing and procuring the raw materials from the right market. We as a global sourcing and procuring agency provide quick and accurate analysis of the business situation, negotiate with global suppliers, and manage the supply chain. We also provide you with insights on where to manufacture so that that you can optimise the entire process. At AUM, we understand the need of businesses to manage the cost and provide solutions to add value to their supply chain.
Operations are the veins and arteries of an organization, the better the flow, the better the condition of the organisation. At AUM consultancy evaluate and support our clients by analyzing and improving the value chain of the business. We focus on all aspects of the business ecosystem and implement & execute cost reduction programs, target service delivery models, optimise the business processes. We conduct R&D to improve Business Process Management, Supply Chain Management

Essentially Human Resource forms the core of an organization. At AUM, we understand the culture of an organisation and the workforce it needs to drive it in the right direction. We assist in the recruitment of candidates for the right job. We also assist in developing and reinforcing the culture of the organization; recruitment & onboarding, training & development of employees, conducting seminars & workshops, and other team-building activities.

Your virtual business page speaks volumes; the reader interprets a lot reading it. Hence why not connect with them Socially? We as social media experts plan and implement social media strategy so that your reader gets to read the message you want your brand to convey. We blend in the content and channels in a way that you’re marketing campaigns make the desired impact and yield effective outcomes like brand awareness, lead generation, increase website traffic, viral campaign, remarketing, etc.

Public Relations form the core of any business communication strategy, especially in today’s social media age where it takes just a second for people to either accept or reject your brand. AUM coordinates with media agencies so that your business event gets the right coverage & publicity and positions you favorably in front of your clients. We also coordinate and provide crisis management services. AUM consultancy builds credibility and trust for your brand in the community. Builds credibility and trust for your brand in the community especially in today’s social media age where it takes just a second for people to either accept or reject your brand